Do you have a story idea you'd like to see turned into a movie? With a favorite model you'd like to see starring in it? We are happy to collaborate on a custom movie with you. Fill out the contact form below, briefly outlining your story idea. Also mention the model(s) or type of model(s) you'd like to see in it. We will get back to you with more details usually within 24 hours.
Please keep in mind we are only shooting hardcore boy-girl scenes at this time. We primarily produce movies with an MC theme, but are open to other fetishes as well. The minimum price is €900 (approx. $990) for a one model scene. And we are looking for ideas that you want to finance in part or in whole.
NEW! I am currently considering crowdfunding a movie. It might be hard to get a consensus on story and casting, but it would be considerably cheaper than the above scenario. I think €200-250 per person would work out. So interested parties can contact me about this as well.